2016년 2월 24일 수요일

For centuries libraries have been one of the hallmarks of major cities as well as minor ones. From public libraries to university institutions, libraries serve as a repository of information and knowledge. Some libraries are a little more well-known, of course. Here are 25 of the most famous ones the planet is home to.
  1. The Library Of Congress – This is certainly the most famous and the largest library in the world. Open to the public, it is basically the national library of the United States. It’s also the oldest federal cultural institution in the country, and is home to more than 32 million books and 61 million manuscripts as well as numerous unique, historical documents.
  2. Reading Room Of the British Museum – Located in the Great Court of the British Museum, this library is an information center as well as a large collection of curated books. It’s a stunning piece of architecture and truly a marvel to see.
  3. Bodleian Library – Situated in Oxford, UK, this library is one of the oldest in Europe, dating back to 1602. It has more than 11 million items within its walls.
  4. Vatican Library – Established in 1475, this is one of the oldest libraries in the entire world. It holds the oldest complete manuscript of the bible as well as over one million other books.
  5. Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Library – This is the largest building in the world that is focused solely on the preservation of rare books and manuscripts and is open to the public.
  6. National Library Of St. Marks – Located in Venice, Italy, This library dates back to 1468 and houses millions of books and manuscripts.
  7. Boston Public Library – Founded in 1848, this is the first publicly supported library in America. It houses more than 22 million items including numerous rarities.
  8. New York Public Library – The New York Public Library is the third largest in the country and houses more than 50 million items. It’s actually made up of 87 separate libraries and houses numerous major historical documents.
  9. Library Of Parliament – Located in Ottawa, Canada, this building is found on the Canadian ten dollar bill and is a national landmark. It’s closed to the public but does offer tours to guests.
  10. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library – This Toronto based library is the home of the largest collection of rare books in Canada and has an impressive collection of items.
  11. Seattle Central Library – One of the newest libraries on this list, this library was built in 2004 and features one of a kind glass and steel construction that helps it truly stand out as something unique.
  12. Abbey Library of Saint Gall – This library, located in St. Gallen, Switzerland, is the country’s oldest library and one of the oldest monastery libraries in the entire world. It has a huge collection of very rare books and documents.
  13. Austrian National Library – The Austrian equivalent of the Library of Congress, this library houses the country’s publications as well as numerous historic documents.
  14. Library of the Benedictine Monastery – This library is located in Austria and is the largest monastery library on the planet.
  15. National Library Of Sweden – This library preserves all Swedish printed works. It’s home to more than 20 million different items.
  16. Morgan Library and Museum – Housing numerous famous and historic books and works of art, this 1906 institution holds the private collection of JP Morgan.
  17. Trinity College Library – Home of the famous ‘Long Room’, this Dublin based library is that country’s equivalent of America’s Library of Congress.
  18. Jay Walker’s Library – With more than 50,000 books, this library is often called the most amazing library in the world, although it’s closed to the public.
  19. Danish Royal Library – This is Denmark’s official National Library and dates back to 1648, holding all works printed in that country since the 17th century.
  20. Salt Lake City Public Library – Another newer building, this library was built in 2003 and features stunning modern architecture as well as more than 500,000 documents.
  21. Melk Monastery Library – This library is as well-known for its large assortment of medieval manuscripts as well as its amazing architecture. It’s located in Austria.
  22. State Library of Victoria – More than 1.5 million documents are found here, in this Melbourne-based library.
  23. George Peabody Library – Part of the Johns Hopkins college, this school is often called a ‘cathedral of books’
  24. Library of Alexandria – The original Library of Alexandria was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. This modern version, located in Alexandria, Egypt, is a memorial to that piece of history.
  25. Stockholm Public Library – This Swedish Library is home to more than 2 million documents and more than 2 million media items. It’s one of the country’s most famous buildings.

Posted on 오전 12:32 by JINH

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2016년 2월 21일 일요일

성에 빨리 제거하는 방법

추운 겨울날 아침 출근하기도 바쁜데 반갑지 않은 손님까지 마주칠 때가 있습니다.
바로 차 앞유리창에 낀 성에…
간단한 제거 방법으로 고민을 해결해 드리겠습니다.

왜 성에가 생길까?
성에란 추운 겨울 유리창이나 벽 같은데 김이 서려서
서리처럼 허옇게 얼어붙은 것을 말합니다.
차 앞유리창에 성에가 끼는 이유는 실내외 온도와 습도의 차이 때문입니다.
습기가 많은 쪽에 성에가 끼게 되는데,
특히 차 안에 사람이 많이 탔거나 말을 많이 하게 되면 입에서 나오는 습기가 많아 지기 때문에 생깁니다
.그렇다면, 어떻게 성에를 제거하는 간단한 방법은?
성에를 없애기 위해서는 실내외 온도와 습도 차이를 없애주면 되는데 겨울철에 실내 온도와 습도를
실외와 맞추려면 꽤 추워지겠죠?
가장 확실한 방법으로 주행중에 에어컨 버튼(A/C버튼)을 눌러둔 채 히터를 사용하면 공기중의 습기를
줄어들면서 성에가 제거됩니다.

 성애제거버튼을 이용하자.

자동차를 보면 위와 같은 버튼을 발견하실 수 있을 거에요. 성애제거버튼으로 불리는 것이죠.
성애제거버튼을 누르면 전면 유리창 하단에 위치한 환기구에서 차가운 공기가 나와 자동차 내부와 외부의 온도 차이를 줄여주어 유리에 서린 김과 습기를 제거할 수 있는 것이죠.
물론 이는 바깥 온도가 실내 보다 더 낮을 때 사용하는 방법입니다.^^

또 한가지 방법은 차에 타면서 시동을걸고나서 샴푸를 앞유리에 바르면 성에가 끼지 않습니다. 미리 스프레이 병에 샴푸물을 타서 넣어 뒀다가 뿌려도 됩니다.  주차시에 창문을 조금 열어놓아도 내외부의 온도차가 적기 때문에 성에가 거의 생기지 않습니다. 

잘못 알고 있는 상식

Q 뜨거운물을 부어서 성에를 없애면 된다.
A 절대로 안됩니다. 순간적으로는 녹을지 몰라도 바로 물이 얼어버리기 때문에 정말로 난감해질 수 있습니다.

Q 칼로 성에를 긁어낸다.
A 앞유리에 흠집이 생겨 운전할 때 시야를 흐릴 수 있습니다.
반드시 성에제거용 스크레이퍼로 긁어내세요.

Q 성에를 빨리 없애려고 시동을 걸자마자 히터를 튼다.
A 성에는 실내외 온도차이에 의해서 생기는 것이기 때문에 급할수록 에어컨을 켜주세요.
그러면 빠르게 없어집니다. 

Posted on 오후 11:07 by JINH

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 식사는 어디에서 합니까?
 잠은 어디에서 잡니까?
 제주도에 가려면 어떻게 가야 합니까?
 바다에서 수영도 하고 등산도 하려면 제주도가 어떨까요?
 어디를 갈 예정입니까?

Posted on 오후 10:30 by JINH

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